Thursday, September 29, 2011

Yer in the Army Now....

Yer in the Army Now

So much has been happening lately I'm afraid this will be a big confused mess, but what th' hey, right?

The world is in a Meltdown. Hell that's the reason I have time for this crap, ya know? This is NOT a surprise. We've all known it's been coming for a looong time now, though it's hard to nail down that specific moment when we knew. Maybe we always did. I'll get to how I think we've known, and how we didn't know we've know a different time. For now, a somewhat more imminent thought. Here's one place to find a buncha bone-chilling stats . The numbers are everywhere. This is only one source, and far more officious, (don't mess with me, I used that word on purpose), sources are available. YOU look 'em up. Anyone wanting to look fuckin' stupid can tapdance around them til--well, til the Apocalypse--and they're not gonna change, cause tapdancin' won't change it. If it was gonna, it woulda! I already put it more or less in a nutshell: WE'RE FUCK-ED!!

But we're not. We're still breathing, still eating, drinking, fucking, pumping out babies, and so on. I have two accidental children whom I love without bounds. I genuinely thought it would be rude, at best, to sire a new Person and foist all this bullshit upon him16 years ago when the pertinent romantic interlude took place. Maybe it is, in  way, but in plenty of other ways life is as always a thing of such great, broad, deep beauty that I think all potential for its fulfillment ought to be pursued. (Don't imagine I've converted to Catholicism or something--that though was rather more metaphysically driven, and you should put on a raincoat if it looks like rain. Or waders if it looks like--you know ;)) Look around, though. We're ALIVE!! More than we know. And life shows us in every discrete packet of light entering our retinas that it will rise, no matter what. We can't kill the Earth. I rather think She'd prefer us to work this out, but She'll be fine. We can certainly destroy our ability to live here as Humans, though.

In Consider the Lilies, I started to explain what I'm up to here. Every time I approach that question, the answers that come to me sound more and more absurdly grandiose. Save the world? I mean, reeealy! When I was a young child, like in the 3rd grade or something, (no shit--ask Mom), I was politicized and set in a frame of mind opposed to Fascism, oppression, and...unkindness, for lack of a better term. Everyone knows this is the course of idealism, though, right? I got out in the "real" world and it struck me that one must make some pragmatic concessions to get by. Right? We all learn this, don't we? Usually when it "strikes" us it's like a brick in the head. It's usually thrown at us by some cog in the Fascist machine.

If you've read the earlier posts, or caught my live rant, you've likely been puzzled by my carryings on about money being a bad metaphor. It's outdated poetry, good for a time, now hopelessly outdated like that ridiculous, overwrought Victorian romance shyte you may have read in college or high school. (Leave them kids alone, Teacher!). "All bad poetry springs from genuine feeling," wrote Oscar Wilde, and the old thing has gotten us a long way; in fact, it's gotten us right here. Fucked. Or on the cusp of some spectacular event(s).

We live in a competitive world. Whichever doctrinal approach one embraces, whether scientifically mechanistic or holding out for divine fiat, it's the scrabbling over game pieces that has us in this sinking boat. Everyone has to have a buncha shit they don't need, in order to display for all the other poor losers how dominant they or their team has been in the Game. This isn't a fuckin' game anymore, though. Look at those numbers again. Do you really think a little half-assed reduction in increase in greenhouse gas emissions over the next 100 years or whatever is going to save the human race? Get real! Do you really think we might someday pay off our $23 trillion debt, or whatever it is? What's that shit, anyways? To whom do we owe it? When did we sign that contract? Didn't someone steal that from us last month? Do we really think we can survive a collapse of the oceans, the food chain, the watersheds, etc, etc, and so on?

I may be grandiose and ridiculous, but I can read the writing on the wall, in the sky, on the face of the Moon. We're gonna need to stop fiddle-fuckin' around and wrestle this shit to the ground, or we're all gonna die. Our kids are gonna die. Our grand-kids, if we live to see them, will be mutant freaks like Goldblum's  fly monster, just like the poor fucked up three-eyed fish around Chernobyl and downstream of a BHP Billiton mine , (BHP: Broken Hill Properties. It's only a secret if you close your eyes, kids). They'll die miserably, and the Earth will breathe a sigh of relief, having fought off a pestilent Virus. Or we can CHANGE EVERYTHING.

I saw a panel discussion at the community college yesterday, (PPCC). A Bahai, a Buddhist, a Pagan, and a Christian philosopher walked into a bar and the bartender said, "What is this, a fuckin' joke?" Oh--sorry. They actually sat behind a table and spoke as cogently as they were able, and we all took them fairly seriously, if with the standard portion of salt--you know it's still all bullshit, right? A thematic keystone was the notion that we're all One, that it's all All-One. You'll notice me playing that riff for all I can wring from it. It's got a lot of Soul, and it sounds good. When I say we're all gonna die, I don't mean all us minor league players. The whole stadium is collapsing. It's already collapsed in a lot of ways. Check out my friend Skip's posts about the Federal Reserve. Don't be tapdancing when you read. The Fascists will die with us. Their secret bunkers won't do. Competition is over; the game pieces are reduced to Parker Bros. parts. Cooperative living is at hand.

Only LOVE will save us. That's right, y'all.Think that's hokey? Sure. It is. But that's a view from the old game. I put this shit up because I believe it. I'm just as much like water as anyone else. I'd stay comfortably here at the lowest level if it seemed for one second to me like that might be an option. It does not. It is not. Change or die. Right now. Today. Look me up. I have a couple ideas, and I bet you do too, if you were to stop concentrating on that tapdance.

There are many, many more things to say about all this. Come back and see us, eh?

Viva la rivoluzione! Viva l'Esercito dell'Amore!

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