Thanks, Pal. All aboard the CrazyPeace Train!
Steve Bass
Hey world--I have a very cool, (I think), and effective invention idea. If anyone has the knowledge and/or patience to help out with the patent and pitch, I'll split it with you!

Jon Christiansen patents are theft
5 hours ago · Like

ok, so tell me how you reckon I ought to approach the thing. I'm still learning!
5 hours ago · Like

Steve Bass I'll split any miracles with the whole wide world
5 hours ago · Like

Jon Christiansen miracles are also theft - stolen from the baby jesus
4 hours ago · Like

Steve Bass GTFOOH! I got Jesus in my pocket--he's a friend of mine. He gets great ganja, and how do you think I've miracled ntt life as it is?
4 hours ago via mobile · Like

Steve Bass (my) life
4 hours ago via mobile · Like

Steve Bass Hey, this comical little dog'n'pony is great fun and all, but you actually reminded me that I am a Social Anarchist, and that my perfectly beautiful and miraculous life works out best when I roll with the magick. So what say we really have this conversation right here on the Wall, for the world to see!?
2 hours ago · Like

Jon Christiansen I just don't have the answers...but I do support social anarchy...much better than that individualist crap
2 hours ago · Like

Jon Christiansen I do think that there are no "new" ideas though. We are all just building on what others have done. On the other hand, everybody would expect to get paid for physical labor, why wouldn't we expect that from intellectual labor - at least in the pre revolutionary era?
2 hours ago · Like

Steve Bass Apart from earlier forms stemming from perversion of variously cherry-picked doctrines, "that individualist crap," of which you speak derives, I think, mostly from Ayn Rand--a bloody fascist.
30 minutes ago · Like

Steve Bass We can run up some rabbit trails as we go, and find plenty of value in the warrens to which they lead, but for now: I'm not so sure if I think there are no new ideas or not. In one very real sense, nothing new is possible at all, given that Time is demonstrably illusory.
27 minutes ago · Like

Steve Bass I fit the label "Social Anarchist" fairly comfortably, but I find the ground near the fountainhead of the doctrinal foundation beneath it pretty dang shifty. (Did you catch the Rand joke there?)
25 minutes ago · Like

Steve Bass I don't have the unshakable faith in human goodness that Goldman and Berkman did. Seems to me if the assertions of SA were ultimately true, then Capitalism or Marxism would work just fine, and we'd have no need to even dream up this conversation.
21 minutes ago · Like

Steve Bass I don't find it especially valid to read any deep metaphysics into the foundational Anarchist literature, but those heroes may have whiffed a pet notion of mine: Revolution or no, Apocalypse or slow, lingering slide down a meandering entropic waterway to Chaos, this shit is ALL PERFECTLY SAFE.
15 minutes ago · Like

Steve Bass And yes, this idea is in my head. It's MINE to treat as I please. As may well be apparent enough, I have plenty of ideas that I rather like that I'm perfectly willing to sow to the wind. The one sparking this convo is rather more a bit of valuable pragmatism, I think, and I know I don't want it out on the breeze for Ronco or, Heaven forbid, Wal-Mart to snatch up with a steel net.
11 minutes ago · Like

Steve Bass You touched on it--we're kinda stuck in a paradigm. It's our mission, should we choose to accept it, to smash the fuck out of that rather brittle framework, eh?
9 minutes ago · Like

Steve Bass I am NOT an Objectivist, I don't want a Kingdom, other than the one I already possess, (a very wide trail for later), but I do think I have some shit, (not limited to the one idea), that's worth something, as well as some wants that are not immodest by my reckoning, and figuring out how to pull this particular rabbit out of its hat without maiming it--well, let's have a go, eh?
3 minutes ago · Like

Having said all that, I'm going to copy all this and whatever may ensue, to a separate document, and with your permission as co-owner of these ideas, publish it to my Google blog for the whole fucking world to read. For free.
This is fab. Social networking at its finest. I didn't catch the Ayn joke. Damn! I love to hate her so much that I block too many of the un/important, fascistic bile that she hurls/ed. Have you watched the interview she did with Mike Wallace back in the days of black and white? The disambiguation of her haughty rhetoric, not quite. What's the invention?
ReplyDeleteWhich disambiguation. Wallace's? I didn't do any while i wasn't looking, did I?