Saturday, December 25, 2021

Blame It; On the Moon?


Blame It; On the Moon?

Y’all are so funny with your efforts to Evolve. That shit takes bazillions of years and it’s EXCRUCIATING! It’s all starts and fits and cul de sac and deaths and cleft palates and Hearts that com out upside-down and backwards with leaks and shit in them. Mothers that have to watch their kids die while hoping against Hope they don’t themselves. It’s HORRIBLE, really. Do you really want to pack all that into this one precious curlicue of life?

What you want is to TRANSCEND.

Think on these Things. (For as a Man—or Woman—thinketh…).

Red Dress


Red Dress

Is there a difference between

Shit under the bed and

Shit on top of the bed?

Well, yes and no

No and Yes;

So think about That.

And put on your Red Dress

And Dance.