Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Holmes Sweet Holmes

For NMania1: Thanks for the Voice
And for Bob Holmes: I love you Bob, I swear. But you deserve this.
Don't feel too sad--I deserve much worse.

Way back in May of this year, I promised this to a guy who "sold" me a free newspaper in Denver for a $1 suggested donation. He said he was a writer for the same paper, which addresses issues surrounding homelessness in the same city. He was interested in the state of those affairs in Colorado Springs, where I live, and, given that I've been in the free food biz for 26 years, and that I have, in fact been homeless myself, I had to think I was in a unique position to afford some perspective. I also posted an, (untitled ), bit on the same topic clear back on 12 April of 2010, wherein I promised a follow-up. Things have worked around to a moment where changes have taken place in both the homeless community of our town and in my schedule that render ripe the moment. A year and a half ago, I described a little of the circus-like scene in our town surrounding the homeless campers. Here' a bit more flesh, spiced with perhaps a bit more vinegar. Don't get all touchy, now.

Colorado Springs has always been pretty friendly to street-runners, at least since 1984 when I got here. I got to know my way around when I hit town as a 20 year old apprentice electrician and found work for the--ahem--generous wage of  $6.00 an hour. Within a year, I had fallen in with some folks at Calvary Chapel downtown in the same building occupied by our town's token "liberal" free paper now. We gave away sandwiches and such, among some other more ideologically driven activities. I've been in on this little pastime of mine in one capacity or another ever since, from various angles, and with variable motivation. (Spiritual vagaries aside, nothing is ever about just one thing). What I mean to point out is that I have been around long enough to have a little feel for the pulse of the thing, nothing more.

When I'd written about all this earlier in the orphaned posting noted above I mentioned some stuff I'll not mention again, since you can go to that one to see, easily enough: http://hipgnosis21.blogspot.com/2010/04/so-colorado-springs-is-unusual-place-it.html . This follow up addresses the biggie. That's right IT HASN'T WORKED.

I'm no prophet. God has yet to send me any memos. All I did earlier was interpret the writing on the wall that was there for anyone to see, in big scrawling, blocky letters. I think anyone looking could read them clearly enough, including Bob Holmes, if he hadn't been in his customary, red-faced, squinty-eyed, self-imposed insensate condition. That doesn't count for an honest mistake, Bob!

Now, here's a little secret--sshhh! The camps are back. I can't speak for the general level of brain power amongst drunken, whacked out homeless guys, but even the blankest screen among my favorite crowd has developed an ingrained self-preservatory wiliness. So you won't see them sprawled along the highway like a middle class Somali neighborhood, like before. And I'm not gonna tell you where they are. The cops simply must know already, and my friends don't need another three-ring fiasco. But, truckloads of enabling aside--I freakin' told you, Bob!

I have an absolutely gigantic boatload of my own, patented bool-shyte to sling about all this, (imagine that), but here's a little teaser before I have to go actually do something this morning. At this moment of extreme sensitivity to initial conditions, (watch Wall street, now, y'all), we really ought to notice the shit we've been up to all these, say 10,000 years, isn't working. Let's switch to a genuinely loving thing.

Buon compleanno ad una nuova Rivoluzione. Viva l'Esercito dell'Amore!

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